Build Independence
Reduce Nurse Visits
Nurse visits are necessary for aliment and sickness, but sometimes students can use the nurse's office to avoid work or peer conflict. A great way to mitigate this to keep the student in the classroom is a nurse's station in the classroom. The nurse's station is great for paper cuts, or small growing pains. |
Classroom Lost and Found
When cleaning up, sometimes kids will find things that don't have a home or need a location for quick clean up. Having a space for lost items is great to keep the classroom neat and tidy. This bin could also house lost and found items. A student job could include putting these items in the spaces they belong.
Bathroom Procedures
Common language and common expectations help students understand what is expected in which parts of the school. This helps students know what is expected and how to behave. Teach bathroom expectations to the class in small groups or whole class. Please consider downloading the Bathroom Lesson below to teach your class expectations of the bathroom.
Editable Example Below
Bathroom Expectations Example |